You’ve been dreaming of this day for a long time, curating the perfect experience in your mind. The colors. The flowers. The ring. And, of course, the food! We’re proud to say we’ve never catered to two weddings that were alike. Each wedding is an opportunity for us to help bring your unique vision to life.
Your wedding should reflect who you are and the things you love. We want you to focus on you and your guests, not worry about all the details that come with your special day. Feel free to draw some inspiration from the menus below and then fill out the form at the bottom of the page to get started with Hoffman House Catering today!
More than weddings
Weddings | Engagement Parties | Bridal Showers | Rehearsal Dinners | Post-wedding Brunch

Preferred Wedding Vendors
10 South 10southvenue.com
After the Vine atvrocktonwines.com
Barn On Prairie thebarnonprairie.com
Blumen Gardens blumengardens.com
Brauer Barn thebrauerbarn.com
Creamery 201 creamery201.com
Glen Erin Golf Club gleneringolf.com
Honey Bee Haven honeybeehaven2024.com
Horticultural Hall horticulturalhall.com
Ludlow Mansion ludlowmansionevents.com
Mercantile Hall mercantilehall.com
Midway Village Museum midwayvillage.com
Nicholas Conservatory & Gardens nicholasconservatory.com
Oak Hill Farm oakhillweddings.com
Over The Vines overthevines.com
Red Barn Golf Course redbarngolfcourse.com
Rev Aviation revvaviation.com
Rivers Edge Experience riversedgeexp.com
Rotary Gardens rotarybotanicalgardens.org
Storybook Gardens storybookgardens.club
The Barn thebarnonprairie.com
The Bricks thebrickscv.com
The Chorus Public House choruspublichouse.com
The Eloise theeloiseevents.com
The Gathering Barn busybarnsfarm.com
The Gathering Place tgpmilton.com
The Lageret thelageret.com
The Loft at Gray Goose loftatgraygoose.com
The Riviera Ballroom lakegenevariviera.com
The Standard standardonstate.com
The Treasury thetreasurydelavan.com
The Tin Smith thetinsmith.com
The Twisted Tulip thetwistedtulipevents.com
The Venue thevenuejanesville.com
Turner Hall turnerhallballroomweddings.com
Union Event Space unionrockford.com
Venetian Club of Rockford venetianclubofrockford.com
Whispering Woods whisperingwoodsil.com
Williams Tree Farm williamstreefarm.com
And Many More....
Flower/Wedding Décor
Event Floral 815-885-3900 www.event-floral.com
Luxe Productions 815-988-5341 www.luxeproductions.com
Nicky Avalo Studios 630-901-8036 www.nickyavalostudios.com
Reflex DJ 815-761-4290 www.reflexdjservice.com
Rock Vegas Events 815-290-6084 www.rockvegasevents.com
Hoffman House Catering Rentals Click Here
Rockford Rental www.rfdrentals.com
By The Dozen 815-636-0668 www.bythe12bakery.com
Erica Koren Cakery 815-519-7287 www.ekcakery.com
Wonderland Sweets 815-978-7874 www.wonderlandsweetsbakery.com
Rock River Printers 815-399-3837 www.rockriverprinters.yolasite.com
Bobbie Rose Photography 815-519-9001 www.bobbirosephotography.com
Leigh Photography www.leigh-photo.com
Make Up Artist
Annetta Michelle 815-299-1234 www.annettamichelle.com
Wedding Gallery
Request a Quote
Like what you see? Get in touch to learn more.